

前此之所以有感于今兹,缘我观太庙之礼,有以见齐景公之意。夫齐,自秦以迄于汉,为东方藩国诸侯,四百余岁矣。于斯时也,号为盛德,治为良弼。其地方千有余里,兵役所出,二十余万。朝廷私议,欲削弱其国,分其地,入其城池,致以为县。于是天子遣使者持节而往,将欲因宗庙社稷之神,齐人所重,以胁其君。景公带剑而立于阼,群臣束手,无援者,因驱使者而出之境。於是朝廷乃遣大将军蕭何持节而往,将以兵锋会之。景公闻知之,乃遣其臣赍表诣阙,请罪叩闕。诏曰:“先帝承汉祚,建陵祀,以来至于今,海内岁亲,王道祗茂。若有荒乱,削平宗社,以还先民。其将以训率不修,习兵无纪,则足使逆决顿灭。皆因齐不守仁义,荒淫无斥而然。今者齐景公屏气凝神,喜形于色。其志若有所向,则可免一时之难,为之后计。朕欲既锡公北海之邑,加以郡县之印,使得服珪绂,奉朕祠祖,厥禄则有以给之。公可即遣左右赍表诣关市,听朕命。” 由是观之,海内之权,倏忽而变;制于人,成败相因。当时诸侯并争强好胜,欲图分裂天下。而汉兴,诛暴定乱,海内并安。作陈太丘表以闻。




Recently, after watching the ceremony at the Temple of Heaven, I had some insight into the wishes of Duke of Qi. Qi has been a vassal state for over 400 years, since the Qin dynasty. At this time the Duke was renowned for his great virtue and benevolence. With vast territory and an army of over twenty thousand, the citizens of Qi esteemed him highly.

When the court pondered in secret about weakening Qi and dividing its territory, the Duke realized their position and threatened the court envoy with his sword, then compelled their departure from his state. The Emperor dispatched Xiao He with imperial edicts, who led an army intending to subjugate Qi. Upon hearing of this, the Duke sent his messenger with a letter to the imperial court to plead guilty.

The Emperor replied with a proclamation containing the following text,”Emperors since the Han Dynasty have respected protocols by leading frequent sacrifices to the ancestors, thus ensuring the mandate of heaven continued with due diligence. When there is disorder in the country affecting the ruling of the state by the emperor's ancestors, rebellions may ensue, thereby jeopardizing the very foundation of the society. The reasons for this are the fault of the Duke of Qi, who neglected to exhibit the right virtues and disciplines. In this case, Duke Qian of the state of Qi has offered his loyalty with gestures of happy goodwill, and it is through such endeavours that the Imperial Court may reap the benefits of peace and prosperity. I intend to reward Duke Qian with authority over Northern Sea Lands, where he can serve our imperial ancestors, wearing official robes and maintaining administration over his new domain. Thus he can receive abundant emoluments after his years of service. The Duke should proceed to send his emissaries to the city of Guan to receive our mandate.”

This document illustrates how the power within a central government can swiftly change, both as a result of its own people, and externally influenced, and represent some key moments in Chinese history. At that time, the king's wars of conquest had given rise to major rebellions that lasted for years on end, initially resulting in more despotic and authoritarian rule as a means of restoring order. This conflict was yet to come to its end.

I am not forgetful of the past and have honoured the wishes of my ancestor in this matter. Since it has been my mission to construct new edifices of learning and culture, I am concerned about the fate of the people and have worried day and night, in case my office might cause disorder among the people. Today, turmoil continues in every corner of the state. When fortunes change, and failure follows swiftly in the wake of success, I realize that only when I am dead do I have peace of mind. Under heaven, when things are beyond human control, they simply happen. Sometimes, even though people do not want anything, events conspire to force them to act. This is not lechery, nor is it persistence, but the way things are. What happened in the past should by no means be forgotten. I have come to put an end to Wu. Now, to repay Chen, Long, Ying, and Peng, I appeal to your majesty. However, I fear that I am unworthy of the magnanimity of the imperial court and so have held back this news. But now that the world is at peace, I can speak freely and without obstruction. I hope that you will grant me the privilege of solving the problems of Zhang and Yuan, the regions of fish and turtle,thereby waiting for it to impact all of the people.


